2015年3月29日 星期日

Online Review: Raising The Bar (四個女仔三個Bar)

      Raising The Bar (四個女仔三個Bar) is a television drama series produced by TVB and aired since 26 January, 2015. It talks about a group of barristers and trainees aim at pursuing justice. These trainees start working in the chambers after graduation and learn from the barristers. They handle various, tricky cases and experience failures. Meanwhile, they meet difficulties in friendship, love and family. In the following, I would like to review and analyze this TV drama in several aspects.

Firstly, this TV drama series belongs to hybrid genre which is not solely legal genre, but also romance. Genre consists of specific systems of expectation which refers to what audiences expect to see. Moreover, genre provides a framework for the setting of drama. The framework of this drama surrounds legal and justice and thus, audiences are expected to see the scenes take place in law court. Besides, it clearly shows the iconography which involves connotations such as the costumes and wig that barristers wear. The image of lawyers is the conventional symbol associated with legal genre. At the beginning of the drama, it focuses on legal genre and gradually shifts to love story developed between the trainees in the latter part.

Besides, we usually stereotyped that men are the professionals and belong to the public sphere while women are housewives and stay at private sphere. However, this drama did not adopt this stereotype but it shows women can also be barristers. This reflects the rising status and tough image of women in contemporary society. As this promotes gender equality which has become dominant ideology within society, the drama succeeds in receiving more recognition from the public, especially from the female.

On the other hand, there are two different endings for this drama. The original version relates to demonstration towards upholding Hong Kong’s judicial independence. As this ending is very sensitive to current socio-political context, it affects the production of the drama. The decision of changing ending is closely related to organizational definers that is the culture of organization. We can see that broadcast company may not want to offend the established power so it adopted the strategy of de-politicization. The new ending does not involve any sensitive political messages.

Regarding the cast, it mainly starred Grace Chan, Stephanie Ho, Jeannie Chan and Moon Lau who are the rookies of acting. As the main casts of the drama are not the famous, senior actors or actresses of TVB like Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣) and Kenneth Ma (馬國明), it becomes more refreshing for the audience. It is believed that the main target audiences of TVB’s drama series are middle-aged women or the housewives. Nevertheless, this drama indeed successfully attracted more young people to watch.

To conclude, since the story is not limited within the battles between lawyers at the law court but also emphasizes the process of how trainees become barristers, the theme is a bit different from the usual legal TV drama series. Moreover, starring new actors and actresses and highlighting the ability and social position of contemporary female is a breakthrough. Thus, it is quite successful in receiving high rating, particularly over 30 points for the last episode.

(542 words)

Student Name: Pang Hoi Ki 
Student Number: 10518996 / 21423754

