2015年3月31日 星期二

Online Review: Horseplay(盜馬記)

《盗马记》全线公映 老少通吃老港片味儿十足

Underworld and Cops is one of the most popular theme used in film prouction, especially in Hong Kong movies. Horseplay(盜馬記), is a Hong Kong comedey used underworld and cops as its background which published in 2014. The story of Horseplay is about an investigation of a Chinese art works being stolen and traded illegally. A Hong Kong police, Cheung Ho (張浩), suspected that the art works was stolen by Nine Tail Fox(九尾狐). In order to arrest the entire illegal group involved in this art works trading, Cheung follow Fox went to London and Czech and try to find out the place of art works trading and the art works. At the same time, Xia mei (夏梅) want to get news and information about illegal art works trading, Xia get close with Fox. According to one of the film ‘fomula’, Cops are usually powerless and foolish in movies. In Horseplay, Cheung and the other cops are also having this kind of image.  The foolish of Cops and cleverness of Fox form a funny comparison in Horseplay. In the end of this story, Cheung arrests the illegal crime group and found that Fox was no longer a thief but undercover to help the inverstigation raised by Hong Kong Police Force. In other words, typical happy end of Hong Kong comedy, no main characters will die or being arrest.  

Although Horseplay is a typical Hong Kong comedy which I think this film have no readalbe or watchable value, the Horseplay have two speical story line which I want to foucs on. One of the sub character, 尚環 acted by曾志偉, I believe is a character represent mainlanders to certain extent. ‘If you got money, everyone know how to speak Chinese. Money is the International language’. This is one of the dialoge of this sub character. In my opinion, this dialoge reflect many Mainland tourists attitude towards travling and concept of money. Also, there are also a scene about this character pretend to know how to identify antique. And this character also did some the impolite behaviour on the plane. These scenes shows many Chinese nouveau riche attitude. They are self centred and impose their culture to others. They believe everyone should tolerate their barbarian behaviour even they are in foreign country. They believe money can solve all the problem. The sub character in Horseplay represent this attitude of some Mainland toruists.

Xia is another character I want to focus on. The strengthen of this female character is emphasize in this film. She likes climbing and being sporty. When Nine Tail Fox need to climb up to the roof to disable the security system but he unable to do so, Xia climbs up to the roof immediately. Some characteristics of Xia violate our expectation to ‘women’ or female. However, these characteristics are realistic to the image of  Hong Kong women. They are strong, not physically but their nature or their powerful then men in some circumstances in Hong Kong. This character shows the nowadays gender relationship in Hong Kong.

Student : Chow Chun Tak
Student ID : 10488381

