2015年4月3日 星期五

Online Review: From Vegas to Macau 賭城風雲

Online Review: From Vegas to Macau
This film released in 2014 which is directed by Wong Jing黃晶. It is the fourth installment of the God of Gamblers 賭神 series.

The Plot
There are 2 main characters in the film including Ken石一堅 Chow Yun-fat and Cool晒冷 Nicholas Tse. The police forces including China, Hong Kong and Macau region planed to collect the crime evidence of Mr. Ko who is the director of a multinational company called DOA by settling undercover cops into the company. DOA is a company which do money laundering for the international gangs. The police forces put 2 undercover polices into DOA and one of them was being penetrated and finally died. The dead police is the son of Benz and Cool’s brother. A hidden camera was being implanted into his eye and the crime evidence of Mr. Ko was being recorded. Before he died, he hided his eye into a teddy bear. Therefore, Mr. Ko sent killers to take back the eye and they broke into Ken’s house. The police forces asked Ken to help them to catch Mr. Ko by set a trap on him. Finally the daughter of Ken gave the eye to the police and Mr. Ko was being arrested.

Culture identity
The most obvious aspect of culture identity of this film are the foul languages and words with imply meanings that only Hong Kong people know. For example, ding, on dog and tart. In one of the scenes, 牛牛(Chapman To) spoke to Ken’s daughter. “I am here to give you the teddy bear, Why don’t buy give me a tart? (山長水遠過黎比隻啤啤熊你, 請我食件撻都得掛) This sentence has a imply meaning which is sexually offensive and most of the Hong Kong peoples know what it means.

Collective memory
One of the collective memory of this film is the song of Lee, Loon Ki, 稻草人. At Ken’s birthday party, Benz sang this song with him. The lyrics is like “Don’t need gold, Don’t need silver, just need a stick.” (唔要金唔要銀, 只要一支棍) It is a famous and remarkable song of the last generation. For example, the era of Chow Yun-Fat, this song are memorable among them. Also, the image of God of Gambler has become the collective memory of many Hong Kong peoples. The all back hair style and the showing of 4 Aces are remarkable memories for us. Moreover, gangsters chops劈友 and negotiation 講數 in Dai Pai Dong 大排檔 and tea restaurant 荼記 inside this film are also collective memories of us as they were common in Hong Kong at 90's.

Student name: Lau Tak Sun

Student number: 10489060/21423182

